About Me

About me.....hmmmmmm.....it's interesting that when I'm asked to describe a friend or someone I love there is usually no shortage of adjectives or phrases. Describing myself....that's a different story!

John Eldredge writes in Waking the Dead, "The story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears it" (p. 34). But the story doesn't end there for me. The story of my life is also the story of the long and faithful pursuit of my heart by the One who knows what I could be and died for me.  It is for His glory that I live and breathe.

The particulars about me?  I am married to the love of my life.  Together we serve a small church just outside the city limits of Pittsburgh.  We have a son, a daughter and son-in-law, who have blessed us with 4 grandchildren.  Teaching is my "job" and my passion.  Certified in Elementary Education and Special Education, I have had the tremendous privilege of working in the Pittsburgh Public School District.

I love the color red; all things apple; pursuing the hearts of women; loving on my friends; kissing my grand-babies; snuggles under the covers; breaking the "pastor's wife" rules; loving Jesus, preparing a place for my friends; and, giving gifts!
